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2.0.2 - July 7th 2001

Stable release. Fixed a serious bug in import/export.

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2.0.1 - June 28th 2001

Stable release. Added support to export address books to pilot-addresses format and fixed misc bugs (mostly portability problems).

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2.0.0 - May 15th 200

Stable release. Only change is the version number. Enjoy.

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1.9.98 - January 20th 2001

Added support for CSV file format import/export, improved support for relations between tables, improved Python plug-in building and fixed bugs.

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1.9.97 - December 29th 2000

Added a new field type, improved a few GUI components, worked on the documentation and binary packages and fixed several bugs.

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1.9.96 - December 10th 2000

Fixed a bug in the configure script.

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1.9.95 - December 9th 200

Added some new little features, fixed several bugs, improved documentation and switched to "Stable release under the hood" mode (waiting your final bug reports).

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1.9.25 - November 19th 2000

Improved seriously the possibility to use Gaby as a front-end to PostgreSQL, added a (contributed) plug-in to create lout files, improved the database builder and fixed several memory leaks.

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1.9.24 - September 27th 2000

Started the (experimental and incomplete!!!) possibility to use Gaby as a front-end to PostgreSQL, improved some minor details and fixed some bugs.

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1.9.23 - August 31th 2000

Added a druid to help creating a new database in the builder, support for a fixed number of decimals type of number (useful for money related fields), a useful view plug-in based on libglade and Python and fixed GTK+ only version, the embedded Python interpreter, and other bugs...

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1.9.22 - July 1st 2000

Improved error detection and reporting, fixed import/export functions and several configure and makefile issues.

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1.9.21 - May 7th 2000

Fixed a Makefile problem that prevented Gaby to build correctly.

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1.9.20 - May 6th 2000

Added a new (better) print plug-in mechanism that uses XML files and Python, an easy way to start new databases, a 'first minute in Gaby' dialogs series and fixed several bugs.

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1.9.19 - April 1st 2000

Added a (working) libglade plug-in that allow the use of forms defined within Glade, began a new HTML print plug-in from scratch, improved minor things and fixed several bugs.

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1.9.18 - March 4th 2000

Added an icon for Gnome, improved minor things and fixed some bugs.

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1.9.17 - January 26th 2000

Fixed screwed makefiles, it will now compile... (sorry for the inconvenience)

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1.9.16 - January 25th 2000

Added a common search plug-in, added (optional) back/forward buttons, improved the Python module and fixed several bugs.

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1.9.15 - December 23th 1999

Minor improvements to the UI, great improvement on the scripting side (it can now behave like a 'normal' Python module) and bug fixes.

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1.9.14 - October 23th 1999

Fixed several gtk-only and 'call me stupid' bugs.

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1.9.13 - October 22th 1999

Improvements to the form, canvas and gnomecard views, to the Python interpreter as well as numerous bug fixes.

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1.9.12 - September 30th 1999

Fixed _lots_ of bugs (by adding a test suite) and added a new Danish translation.

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1.9.11 - September 20th 1999

Improved (and speeded up) the indexes mechanism, added an 'home-brewed script' option as well as new Japanese and Polish translations and bug fixes.

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1.9.10 - September 8th 1999

Rewrote the view plug-ins API in a cleaner way, added support for dBase (III and ~IV) files as well as FreshMeat Appindex files, improved (a lot) file loading (more than 10 times faster) and usual bug fixes.

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1.9.8 - August 15th 199

No major changes but _lots_ of improvements and bug fixes notably in the Python interpreter that can now do useful things. There are also new German, Norwegian and Swedish translations.

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1.9.7 - June 12th 1999

A new version (0.8) of the description file builder, more support for filters, a new canvas view, the possibility to run a stripped down Gaby that doesn't use plug-ins, a Finnish translation and lots of bug fixes.

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1.9.6 - May 28th 1999

A new version (0.7) of the description file builder, filters (is, is not, matches, is greater, ...) for the extended list view, bound windows can now be defined in descfiles, import/export even in the plain-gtk version, improved installation and a lot of bug fixes.

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1.9.5 - May 21th 1999

A new version (0.6) of the description file builder, a Spanish translation and the usual bug fixes. The configuration files are now stored in $(prefix)/etc/gaby (no more in /etc/gaby) if you want to keep the old location add --sysconfdir=/etc to ./configure

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1.9.4 - May 18th 1999

Mostly bug fixes.

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1.9.3 - May 14th 1999

A new version (0.5) of the description file builder, a few improvements in the GUI dialog boxes and lots of bug fixes.

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1.9.2 - May 13th 1999

A new version (0.4) of the description file builder, a new format plug-in to read/write/import/export the videobase format and various bug fixes.

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1.9.1 - May 11th 1999

A 'tip of the day' dialog written in Python (and it is not yet possible to avoid it) and bug fixes (the plain-gtk version _will_ compile now).

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1.9.0 - May 8th 199

Everything is new.

Last update : Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:47:20 Original web design by Matti Koskimies

Copyright © 1999-2000 Frederic Peters.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this page as long as the copyright and this permission notice appear.